, by Box Depot How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 4
And we’re on to Day 4. By now you’re probably getting tired and frustrated and wishing that all these moving boxes would just go away!...
, by Box Depot How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 3
By Day 3, chances are you’re feeling tired and stressed. But you got loads done on Day 2 so you should be feeling proud of...
, by Box Depot How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 2
You have a week or less to move house. And you’re a panicking wreck, aren’t you?! Except you’re not, as you have followed our “How...
, by Box Depot How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 1
Joy of joys! Not only have you found your new home, but you’ve managed to sell your old home … result!! But the prospective new...
, by Box Depot 10 Things to Remember when Moving House
Ten things to keep in mind when moving house ... that just might save your sanity!
, by Box Depot Packing Tools and Outdoor Equipment
The garden shed is often the dump-it-and-forget-it spot of every household. But if you're moving, you'll need to take those things with you!
, by Box Depot Overwhelmed by Clutter? Make a Declutter Plan!
As with a lot of things, taking the first steps of decluttering can be hard!
, by Box Depot Practical Tips for Moving In Together
So you’ve decided to move in together. How exciting!
, by Box Depot Tips for Moving In Together
Love is in the air!!! Your relationship has grown from weekend nights out, to daily phone calls and texts, to wanting to spend as much...
, by Box Depot Six Things You Should NEVER Do When Moving House!
You’re moving house! You probably have a fair idea of what to do, and there are plenty of guides out there describing what you should...
, by Box Depot Sometimes It's Better Not to "Keep Up With The Joneses" ... Buying Local Can Be Much Better!
You're moving house and maybe you're looking at getting new home appliances and furniture. But sometimes getting that "great deal" delivered from abroad can cost...
, by Box Depot Decluttering (without getting Overwhelmed!)
Moving house can offer you an opportunity to declutter your home and start afresh in a new abode, surrounded by the things you love and...