, by Box Depot The Two (Most Important!) Top Tops for Moving in with Friends ...
The college and university year is about to start. And with a bit of luck, you have secured somewhere to stay while you study. Welcome...
, by Box Depot How to Move Out of Your Parents' House in 12 Easy Steps!
So you’ve decided to fly the nest? Congratulations! Moving out of your parents’ house is a big deal. It’s a process that requires plenty of...
, by Box Depot Leaving Home for the First Time ...
Hoping to move out when you head off to college? Here's a few tips on how to move out of your parents' home without ruffling...
, by Box Depot Tips for Moving House in Autumn
When moving house, the time of the year will have a direct impact on how stressful Moving Day is. And moving house in Autumn can...
, by Box Depot Change of Address: Who to Tell You're Moving?
You’ve made the decision to move house. Now it’s time to let everyone know! But who exactly should you tell about your move?
, by Box Depot Tips for Packing Fragile Items
here is nothing quite as devastating as moving house and discovering that your Grandmother's prized antique jug is now in a thousand pieces! And if...
, by Box Depot The Basics of Packing and Moving
There are a few simple hints and tricks that will make packing for your house move that little bit less stressful.
, by Box Depot Moving House Etiquette
It can be easy to forget, with all the excitement/stress of moving, that that there is a Moving House Etiquette that should be followed when...
, by Box Depot What Size Vacuum Storage Bag to Use?
How much can you fit into a Vacuum Storage Bag? A simple question, but not necessarily a simple answer when looking at the range of...
, by Box Depot Eco-Friendly Packing Tips for a Sustainable Move
Moving can be an exciting time, but it can also be a significant source of waste. From packing materials to the transportation involved, the environmental...
, by Box Depot Moving House with Your Pet
Moving house is stressful enough, but it’s even harder on our pets when they don’t understand why they’re being moved!
, by Box Depot Helping Children cope with Moving House
Moving House is stressful. And moving with children can be doubly-stressful! Children and teenagers typically aren't thrilled by moving. In fact they rarely relish change...