What Size Vacuum Storage Bag to Use?

What Size Vacuum Storage Bag to Use?

, by Box Depot, 1 min reading time

How much can you fit into a Vacuum Storage Bag? A simple question, but not necessarily a simple answer when looking at the range of Vacuum Storage Bags available at Box Depot!

Life is stressful enough without the added pressure of wondering if you’ve ordered the right size of vacuum storage bags, so to help you, please read on for a little guidance on what size to use:

Medium (60cm x 80cm)
The Medium size is 600mm x 800mm and can fit in a significant number of clothes or some towels. You can use it for jumpers (although bulky winter jumpers will probably need the larger size), but it isn’t big enough for bedding.

Large (100cm x 70cm)
The Large size is 1000mm x 700mm and can be used to store double duvets, pillows, towels, curtains and clothes. It’s not big enough for king size duvets, but it will still allow you to pack away a large amount of bedding or wardrobe contents.

Extra Large (130cm x 90cm)
The Extra Large size is 1300mm x 900mm . These bags are huge. Really big! They can store multiple duvets, such as a king size winter duvet and a double duvet in the same bag. If you are looking to pack away the winter bedding and want to get the whole winter wardrobe packed at the same time, then a pack of these will do the job! This size is incredibly popular.

Of course, there are many other things that can be stored in a vacuum storage bag … we store our Christmas decorations in one, and friends have said that moving house with the children’s monster Lego collection in a vacuum storage bag made things quite a bit more bearable!!

Vacuum Storage Bags


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