, by Box Depot How Many Moving Boxes Do I Need for an Upcoming House Move?
You've gone through the highs, lows and roundabouts of finding a new place to live ... now comes the "fun" part of packing up your...
, by Box Depot Decluttering (without getting Overwhelmed!)
Moving house can offer you an opportunity to declutter your home and start afresh in a new abode, surrounded by the things you love and...
, by Box Depot How to Start Packing ... And Stop Procrastinating!
Let’s face it. Packing is a big task! There is nothing easy about taking everything you own and putting it safely into boxes. Packing is...
, by Box Depot The Two (Most Important!) Top Tops for Moving in with Friends ...
The college and university year is about to start. And with a bit of luck, you have secured somewhere to stay while you study. Welcome...
, by Box Depot Moving House Etiquette
It can be easy to forget, with all the excitement/stress of moving, that that there is a Moving House Etiquette that should be followed when...
, by Box Depot What Size Vacuum Storage Bag to Use?
How much can you fit into a Vacuum Storage Bag? A simple question, but not necessarily a simple answer when looking at the range of...
, by Box Depot Moving Back in with Your Parents
Sometimes moving back in with your parents feels like failure. But sometimes it just makes sense. There are a multitude of reasons for deciding to...
, by Box Depot 10 Things to Remember when Moving House
Ten things to keep in mind when moving house ... that just might save your sanity!
, by Box Depot Practical Tips for Moving In Together
So you’ve decided to move in together. How exciting!
, by Box Depot Six Things You Should NEVER Do When Moving House!
You’re moving house! You probably have a fair idea of what to do, and there are plenty of guides out there describing what you should...
, by Box Depot Taking Control of Clutter
Hands up who made a New Year Resolution to Declutter?! With the Christmas decorations taken down :-( it's a perfect opportunity to get stuck in...
, by Maeve Reidy Decluttering Doesn't Just Clear Space ... It Can Also Clear Your Mind!
Read any guide on Moving House, or How to Pack Up Your Belonging … and the first instruction you’ll see is to declutter! But there...