How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 5

How to Move in A Week or Less: Day 5

, by Box Depot, 2 min reading time

Day 5 means that you only have a few days left before Moving Day (eek!) While you’re probably feeling tired and wishing your move was over already, if you look back over the last 4 days, you’ll see that you’ve accomplished loads already and packed the majority of your household space.

So for today, we’ll concentrate on storage – extra wardrobes, garages, attics, and everything in between!


Day 5 – Morning

Clean out and pack the closets. Most households, no matter how small have a hall closet or a laundry closet that will need to be sorted, packed and moved.

Sorting storage closets can take a long time depending on how much stuff you’ve stored, and how organised your closets are (or aren’t, as the case may be!)

Have at hand a way to pack up the things you don’t want to take with you, so you can collect them all into one spot and get them out of the house and out of the way. As with all other areas of the house, make quick decisions about what to keep and what to toss … and don’t linger! If you can’t decide now, it’s best to pack it and take it to your new place. Be brutal! Be honest!

Day 5 – Afternoon

Pack the garage, attic or storage space: Most of us have an extra storage space we use for all the things that we don’t use often. And because these spaces become the place to “shove” unwanted stuff, they can take a lot of time to sort through and pack. If you have more than one of these types of spaces, you might need more time than a single afternoon to complete packing. This is definitely one of those times to call friends for help! But you’ll get through it – just remember that the more spaces you have, the less time you have to sort through every single item individually!

Divide the space into “areas” to make the packing less overwhelming. For example, pack all the gardening equipment, then move on to any leisure equipment. Don’t forget any boxes that you moved from your last place that you haven’t managed to get unpacked!

Call in some help: Calling in the troops can help with larger items that can’t easily be packed. Get friends and family to move equipment together, for example put the gardening spades, rakes etc together and tape them into a bundle and put them in the same area as the lawnmower.

If you have boxes packed from your last move, don’t move them. Instead, have a friend bring their contents to a local charity. If you didn’t use them in your current home, you’re not likely to use them in your new home!

Again, Be Brutal! Be Honest!


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