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Tips for Moving House More Sustainably and Eco-Friendly

Making sustainable choices is actually quite easy to do when you’re moving from one stage (your old house) to a new stage of your life (your new house!).
Here are some simple ways to eco-fy your house move with little effort!
Plan, plan and plan some some!
We all know that rushed decisions are a bad idea.
Forgot to bring your packed lunch to work and think you’ll grab “something healthy” in the local deli?
Doesn’t always happen!
Decided to buy something too-big (or too-small) that your absolutely had to have at 3am when you first saw it on the shopping channel? Did you even consider how it would fit into your life?
How did that work out?!
Start your House Move the Right Way. Get things going a few weeks in advance so that you have the time to declutter consciously, source reusable materials, and use up all the food in your fridge/freezer.
A Second Life
Moving house is the perfect opportunity to look at your belongings and decide whether you truly need them. The ideal would be to have to transport as little as possible. so take a critical look at the overflowing wardrobe or stuffed bookshelves NOW.
When decluttering, you want to do it responsibly and wisely, and that means giving your stuff a second chance at life! Consider selling your items so they can be loved by somebody else (with the bonus that the additional cash may come in handy with Moving House Expenses!)
Or get your items into the best condition that they can be, and donate them to a local charity.
Go Paperless!
Ahead of your move, you’ll need to do a stock-take on your paper bills, and change your address with your providers. There’s no better time to say “no” to unnecessary paperwork and take your billing entirely online. Your post box and recycling bin will thank you later.
Time for “The Talk” with your Utility Provider!
You’re already going to be contacting your utility provider to change your address, but it’s also a perfect time to investigate your energy company’s sustainability practices. Or perhaps they have a great deal on solar panels that you could use at your new place? Now is the perfect time to check all this out!
Pack Cleverly and Sustainably!
Single-use packaging products can seriously drive up the carbon footprint of your Move. Opt for more eco-friendly choices by reusing where you can. Here at Box Depot, we passionately believe in using cardboard boxes more than once! We also have a growing range of Eco-friendly products and moving accessories to make life easier for you!
Try to use existing containers where possible—drawer units, laundry baskets, the list goes on!
Dispose Responsibly!
No matter how you want to reuse your items, some items just can’t live on. In these cases, it’s important to dump or dispose of your stuff properly. Got old electrical gadgets past their best-by date? Make sure you drop these off at a WEEE Ireland Recycling Partner so they can be correctly recycled. When it comes to hazardous waste and chemicals, such as old cans of paint, these do not belong in your regular rubbish. Make sure you consult your local council guidelines on how to dispose these responsibly.
Get Eco-Cleaning!
If there’s one thing you’re guaranteed when moving house, it’s that you’ll be doing A LOT of cleaning. So make things easier on the environment and choose eco-friendly cleaning options.
This could be as simple, and cheap, as checking your kitchen cupboards for all-natural DIY solutions. You’ll want to have white vinegar, lemons and lots of baking soda on hand!
Or choose a more natural cleaning spray over your regular brand on your next supermarket shopping trip.

Making sustainable and eco-friendly decisions when moving house doesn’t have to be difficult!!!
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