, by Box Depot How Businesses can reduce their Carbon Footprint using Packaging
We know there is a need to lower carbon emissions. And if you’re a responsible business, this should be on your agenda too – but...
, by Box Depot The Psychology of Eco-Friendly Business Packaging
And how sustainable packaging choices can influence Consumer Behaviour ...
, by Box Depot Alternatives to Packing Peanuts
Packing Peanuts ... Packing Beans ... Anybody who knows me, knows I absolutely abhor the things! Granted, they do their job as voidfill, but there...
, by Box Depot Reduce your Damaged Delivery Rate with Bubl Air Cushioning
One of the best things about business is finding customers like your product and want to buy it. But that joy can be short-lived if...
, by Maeve Reidy If Bubl Air Cushioning Packaging is Plastic, How is it Eco-Friendly?
Air-filled packaging cushions are a cost-effective packaging solution for environmentally minded businesses. Consisting of 99% air and only 1% material, BUBL Packaging drastically reduces material...
, by Maeve Reidy Need extra warehouse space ... that's actually affordable?!
Need extra warehouse space? You could always rent or buy a new premises, but that could be expensive ... there may be another solution!
, by Maeve Reidy Introducing Bubl Packaging
One of the best things about business is finding customers like your product and want to buy it. But that joy can be short-lived if...